MDIA 470B: Week 4 Blog Entries
(10 points total)
Blog Post #1 (5 points)
Read Chapter 73 (p. 271-272). Tell me what you think about what Brogan says about comments in a short, paragraph post (paragraphs are typically 3-5 sentences, remember). Then, visit three of your classmates’ blogs (using the links on the sidebar of my blog), read what they’ve written so far this quarter, and leave a CONSTRUCTIVE comment for them. Link to the post you’re commenting on in your blog entry. So it should look something like this:
Brogan says really cool things in Chapter 73, like blah blah blah. Summary summary summary. Woohoo. Whatever. Please summarize better than this. MDIA 470B ROCKS! Just kidding.
So, in the spirit of commenting, I’ve commented some blog posts written by my amazing classmates. Here they are:
1. Classmate Number 1 Name (<-- you can link the text by clicking link in your edit panel up top and posting the URL in the pop up box, that way it doesn’t look all clunky and URL-ish.)
2. Classmate Number 2 Name
3. Classmate Number 3 Name
You should post on THREE DIFFERENT CLASSMATES’ blog posts. If it appears that many comments have already appeared, maybe visit someone else’s blog to share the wealth of commenting. Everyone likes to get comments, ya know!
Blog Post #2 (5 points)
Tell me what you’ve learned so far in this class.
- What’s been the most interesting concept?
- Most boring/ You could care less? Be honest.
- Finally, how do you think you might be able to take what you’re learning here and apply it to the real world?
Address each question in a separate paragraph. (So… entries should be at least three paragraphs). Include at least one image to spice things up some. Explain why you’ve chosen this image/how it relates to your entry.
NOTE: Make sure you proofread your entries for spelling and grammar. Points will be deducted for poor grammar and/or spelling!